Happy Fall Y’all!

I couldn’t resist adding a touch of  LA slang – that’s Lower Alabama, as we say in my hometown of Mobile. Fall is nature’s season for transformation – it’s all about change, preparation, and setting the stage for growth, making this newsletter particularly timely.

As many of you know, Darcy is transitioning into her new role. This change has prompted me to reflect deeply on the direction I want to take over the next decade. While Darcy taught us the value of a three-year strategic plan, at this stage in my career, I’m focusing on what I call my “high contribution” years. It’s a time to crystallize what I genuinely want to accomplish. A wise friend once told me, “Life is like a roll of toilet paper. It goes slow in the beginning and fast in the end.” Lately , I’ve been feeling that momentum building.

How we face disruption determines our future

After earning my certification in ProSci Change Management and spending decades teaching about change, one truth stands out: how we face disruption determines our future. The real art lies in transforming uncertainty into hope and curiosity. And yes, I fully embrace my “feels”—knowing that understanding our emotions is crucial for building resilience and making wise decisions.

At the core of all things for me is people. My natural gift — my superpower — is assessing and developing leaders, providing transformative coaching, and guiding business organizations toward sustainable growth. This purpose aligns with the Japanese concept of Ikigai—the intersection of what you’re good at, what you love, and what the world needs. As I step into this next phase of life, I’m more energized than ever to maximizing the potential of others.

Many people have asked about my next steps—whether I’ll join a single company or continue consulting. Let me tell you, consulting can be a wild ride! And yes, as my niece-in-law recently pointed out with surprise, “Wait, you don’t have a steady paycheck?” Nope, I’ve been on this thrilling journey for more than two decades! Until I feel called in a different direction, I’ll keep doing what I love—helping leaders and organizations “LeaderUp!

Consider these questions for navigating change

As we all embrace change and cultivate resilience, I invite you and your teams to reflect on these important questions as you navigate  success:

  1. What recent changes have you experienced, personally or professionally?
  2. Reflecting on those changes, what did you notice about your thoughts, actions, and resilience?
  3. With more change ahead, what three strategies can you implement to better manage future disruptions? Create your personal “change cheat sheet.” Whether it’s journaling, seeking advice from trusted colleagues, scheduling a spa day to reset, or even buying a new pair of shoes—find what works for you.
  4. What proactive steps can you take today to prepare for future changes before they hit? For instance, research assisted living options for aging parents, maintain your trees before the next storm, update your résumé to stay professionally competitive, or keep your car in top shape to avoid costly breakdowns.

From conversation to transformation

I am here to turn these conversations into actionable insights for you and your leadership teams. Whether through leadership workshops, resilience coaching, or strategic planning sessions, let’s strengthen your team and tackle upcoming challenges. I’m always available to brainstorm ideas and find creative solutions for whatever challenges lie ahead.

I look forward to walking through many seasons of growth, opportunity, and success with you in the years to come. Let’s continue to embrace change and make the most of this exciting journey together!