If it were that easy, we’d all be perfect.

We’re in this with you- the partners that help you create sustainable change to achieve your passion and vision. You define your success. We help you understand what may be holding you back and what are easy steps for you to learn that are tailored to your strengths. We are your Sherpas for achieving your strategic plans and goals.

This isn’t a “I’ve done this before, so it makes me a coach” approach.  This is a lifetime of training to be a coach who supports your dreams and wiring.

Leadership Skills

Great leadership is organic. A Healthy Leader can execute in their own natural way. Passionate leaders are driven! Our purpose is to support your leadership as you understand your wiring, stay grounded and emotionally healthy, and stretch your skills to be more successful, all without having to change who you are.

As a Leadership Coach, Cyndi has worked with hundreds of leaders to be healthy and passionate about leading.

As a Strategic Planning Coach, Darcy has worked across hundreds of organizations to coach leaders on how to build strategic plans and leaders.

We understand how to break it down and empower individuals to be great leaders with their very own effective leadership styles as they build and implement strategic plans.

Dreams and Goal Setting

Let’s work to find a balance throughout your life which starts with a solid and reachable plan for this year. We’ve developed a practical process for making and reaching goals which starts with eliminating distractions, then works through some practical steps for setting goals as well as a plan to achieve those goals.

Communication Styles

Having a foundational understanding of how you and others are hard wired goes a long way in improving communication skills. Our process will take you though 5 steps of creating a better communication dymamic between yourself and others.

Healthy & Self-Aware Leader

When we have a strong Self-Awareness, then we can be a Healthy Leader. In business, this is a critical factor in leadership.  We may not see eye to eye, but can we own our behaviors well enough to work together, see one another’s perspective and move the business forward?  Leadership is a mastery of this ability.  Leadership is Self-Awareness.

Change Management & Time Management

Have you ever heard the terms, “time flies when you’re having fun” or “time stood still”? That’s because in real life, there is an entire mental element that makes time seem faster or slower depending on the circumstances. Time management must be more than just managing the clock or a schedule. It must be focused on leading yourself and others through Change. We’ll work with you to develop some practices to keep you on track.

Leadership Skills

Great leadership is organic. A Healthy Leader can execute in their own natural way. Passionate leaders are driven! Our purpose is to support your leadership as you understand your wiring, stay grounded and emotionally healthy, and stretch your skills to be more successful, all without having to change who you are is.

As a Leadership Coach, Cyndi has worked with hundreds of leaders to be healthy and passionate about leading.

As a Strategic Planning Coach, Darcy has worked across hundreds of organizations to coach leaders on how to build strategic plans and leaders.

We understand how to break it down and empower individuals to be great leaders with their very own effective leadership styles as they build and implement strategic plans.

Dreams & Goal Setting

Let’s work to find a balance throughout your life which starts with a solid and reachable plan for this year. We’ve developed a practical process for making and reaching goals which starts with eliminating distractions, then works through some practical steps for setting goals as well as a plan to achieve those goals.

Communication Styles

Having a foundational understanding of how you and others are hard wired goes a long way in improving communication skills. Our process will take you though 5 steps of creating a better communication dymamic between yourself and others.

Healthy & Self-Aware Leader

When we have a strong Self-Awareness, then we can be a Healthy Leader. In business, this is a critical factor in leadership.  We may not see eye to eye, but can we own our behaviors well enough to work together, see one another’s perspective and move the business forward?  Leadership is a mastery of this ability.  Leadership is Self-Awareness.

Change Management & Time Management

Have you ever heard the terms, “time flies when you’re having fun” or “time stood still”? That’s because in real life, there is an entire mental element that makes time seem faster or slower depending on the circumstances. Time management must be more than just managing the clock or a schedule. It must be focused on leading yourself and others through Change. We’ll work with you to develop some practices to keep you on track.


We craft customized strategies and programs to meet the needs of your unique staff and organizational structure.
Contact us for more information or to schedule your session!