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Assessment Description
Assessments24x7 DISC Profile is an assessment based upon the well-known DISC behavioral profiling system. It is comprised of 30 multiple choice items and can be completed in less than 15 minutes. Suitable for development and team building, it can provide insight into behavior in a variety of contexts including work, sales, and leadership.
What the Assessments24x7 DISC Profile Measures
- Dominance (D)
- Influence (I)
- Steadiness (S)
- Conscientiousness (C)
Assessments24x7 DISC Profile
In addition to scores on these dimensions, the extensive individualized report suitable for sharing with the candidate provides wide-ranging feedback about strengths, areas of potential growth, and tips for development.
Assessments24x7 DISC Profile assessment is a copyright and mark owned solely by Assessments 24×7
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