Find Your Greatness

Find Your Greatness

Do you remember Nike's "Find Your Greatness" campaign? It's beyond brilliant. One ad features a young boy running on a country road. His pace is far from record breaking, in fact, he's barely jogging as the voiceover delivers a powerful message, "Greatness is not more...

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How Strategy has Changed

How Strategy has Changed

Twenty years ago, in my early strategic planning days with the Chamber of Commerce, we had a solid strategic planning process. Unfortunately, much of the discussion occurred in a vacuum and we did not collect feedback beyond the executive team. The companies we worked...

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Do your Core Values Stand the Test of Time?

Do your Core Values Stand the Test of Time?

Core Values guide every action and behavior of your organization. They are your cultural cornerstones! Your moral compass!  When you Google “Core Values,” here’s a great definition: Core values are an individual or organization's fundamental beliefs and highest...

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Change Management: Tools for Success

Change Management: Tools for Success

The Greek philosopher Heraclitus said, "Change is the only constant in life." We’ve seen enough lately to know this is certainly the case in business. Who thought that, in today’s day and age, a Silicon Valley bank could go bust? There’s a reason we study and train on...

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A New Year brings New Goals

A New Year brings New Goals

Happy 2023! We hope you had a great holiday and are feeling excited for the New Year! I got to meet my new Great Nephew, Luke Daniel, who is named after my son in Heaven, Daniel. What a powerful experience that is! It reminds me of new life and a world of...

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