by Cyndi Wineinger | Feb 7, 2022 | Leadership, Personal Development, Team Building
I can’t find anyone in the workplace right now who can argue this: employee engagement has made a critical shift. Employees have voted with their feet and sent a clear message. They won’t work in jobs that don’t offer flexibility, great pay, empathetic,... by Cyndi Wineinger | Jan 12, 2022 | Personal Development
For those of you who have followed my perspective on New Year’s Resolutions (NYR), welcome to my annual rant! This year however, there’s a new twist: the Epistemophillic Instinct. Coined by psychoanalytic theorist Melanie Klein, the Epistemophillic Instinct... by Jane Meyer | Nov 8, 2021 | Personal Development, Strategy
Setback and Success: It’s All About Perspective! Isn’t it amazing how wisdom can transcend time? Heraclitus Ephesus, a Greek philosopher born November 24, 535 BC is noted for the truism, “The Only Constant Is Change”. How amazing to think this quote rings true for...