Stretch First, then Scale
Working with growth-focused companies, we see a recurring theme: they achieve significant growth then stall because their infrastructure can’t keep up. Their revenue doesn’t match the structure and processes to sustain. We have seen $100 million organizations...
Spring Training: Not just for Baseball
As your favorite MLB team takes the field this week, take time to think about the rigorous spring training they have completed gearing up for a new season. Spring training gives managers a chance to evaluate players to build out a 40-person roster and gives teammates...
Get “Fired Up” about Leadership
We all know there is a talent constraint. This is THE strategic priority for many organizations right now. The “theory of constraints” management philosophy advises us to solve the biggest bottleneck first, then move to the next one. Talent is the current bottleneck...
The Great Re-Engagement
I can’t find anyone in the workplace right now who can argue this: employee engagement has made a critical shift. Employees have voted with their feet and sent a clear message. They won't work in jobs that don’t offer flexibility, great pay, empathetic, inspiring...
A New Year For Dreaming
For those of you who have followed my perspective on New Year’s Resolutions (NYR), welcome to my annual rant! This year however, there’s a new twist: the Epistemophillic Instinct. Coined by psychoanalytic theorist Melanie Klein, the Epistemophillic Instinct...
Seasons of Life
Take a moment to imagine your life in three years. I reflected on this while updating my Vision during our recent Stretch Your Impact training. I realized "Wow, the next three years are going to look very different than the past three years!" I needed to start...
Setback and Success: It’s All About Perspective
Setback and Success: It’s All About Perspective! Isn’t it amazing how wisdom can transcend time? Heraclitus Ephesus, a Greek philosopher born November 24, 535 BC is noted for the truism, “The Only Constant Is Change”. How amazing to think this quote rings true for...
The Next-Level Leader
We've all heard bad boss stories, but this one will tug at your heartstrings. My friend's father worked in a job he loved as a civil engineer in North Carolina. Years after retirement he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. During his decline he kept re-living a short...
How can I help?
One simple question: How can I help? This is the question my mentor asked me years ago when I was complaining about my first job out of college. My strengths were not being fully utilized and my direct manager didn’t care. As a result, I was an unhappy camper and had...
Focus on the Constraint
When I worked at Procter and Gamble, one of the best trainings I attended was Theory of Constraints. I was a new Mechanical Engineer in “Dry Laundry” (yes, for the young people… there was powder before pods). I was in the Product Supply division supporting the...
Please fill out the form below to get in touch.
Cyndi Wineinger
+1 513.807.0176 Darcy Bien
+1 513.807.6647