The Rest of the Story

The Rest of the Story

Cyndi and I have been talking about Purpose a lot over the past few months. Purpose is “the Why,” Vision is the "the Desired State," and mission is “the What and For Whom.” People and organizations often overlook the power of Purpose. I recently launched my book,...

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Purpose is Power

Purpose is Power

Have you ever had a day, a week, or even a month when you felt a bit rudderless? You find yourself going through the motions of life and distractedly thinking “Am I on the right path?” Getting clear on your purpose. Darcy and I help companies strategically define...

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DEI Impacts Us All

DEI Impacts Us All

“Mom, I’m having a panic attack.”  is a text I recently received from my daughter, Lily, during her first month of college. What prompted it? She struck up a conversation with a student in the dorm elevator and asked him, “Where are you from?”  To Lily, it was...

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Debunking DEI Myths

Debunking DEI Myths

I don’t know about you, but I miss the good old days. I remember a time where you could take a family member to the airport and walk them all the way to their departure gate, watch them get on the plane, and wait until the plane pulled out of the gate. I remember a...

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Want to Improve your next Strategic Plan?

Want to Improve your next Strategic Plan?

Have you seen the Dilbert cartoon where he is asked to create a report consistent with the company's strategic plan? There’s one problem: he has NEVER seen the strategic plan. When the boss finally produces “the plan,” it’s anything but a plan – it’s the warranty to a...

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The Birkman Method

The Birkman Method

Behavioral assessment on steroids Darcy and I were teaching a class at Stober Manufacturing last week, and during our Birkman training a group leader shouted “Dang! This is like Culture Index on steroids!” Brilliant! And one of many reasons we love the Birkman. Why we...

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Stretch First, then Scale

Stretch First, then Scale

Working with growth-focused companies, we see a recurring theme: they achieve significant growth then stall because their infrastructure can’t keep up. Their revenue doesn’t match the structure and processes to sustain. We have seen $100 million organizations...

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Spring Training: Not just for Baseball

Spring Training: Not just for Baseball

As your favorite MLB team takes the field this week, take time to think about the rigorous spring training they have completed gearing up for a new season. Spring training gives managers a chance to evaluate players to build out a 40-person roster and gives teammates...

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Get “Fired Up” about Leadership

Get “Fired Up” about Leadership

We all know there is a talent constraint. This is THE strategic priority for many organizations right now. The “theory of constraints” management philosophy advises us to solve the biggest bottleneck first, then move to the next one. Talent is the current bottleneck...

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